Physics Bits For ssc and banking

Physics General Bits

1.      The Rank of a Tensor is defined by the number of _______  ?
2.      SI Unit for Luminous intensity is ?
3.      Parsec is Unit of _____ ?
Astronimical unit of distance
4.      What are Unlike Vectors ?
Two vectors having opposite directions and un equal magnitudes are called Unlike vectors
5.      Moment of Inertia is _____ ?
6.      What is Angular displacement ?
It is defined as the angle through which an object moves on a circular path.
7.      Debye is the unit of ?
Magnetic Dipole moment
8.      The SI unit of mechanical equivalent of heat is ?
9.      A Unit less quantity never has a ____  dimension  ?
Non Zero Dimension
10. Which Newton ls law of motion law is called as Law inertia ?
Newton’s First law of Motion
11. A Watt is equal to _____ ?
12. What is a Scalar Quantity ?
Physical quantity having only magnitude is called as Scalar quantity
13. What is the formula for Potential energy ?
Where m=mass, g= gravity and h= height
14. What is the Initial velocity of freely falling body ?
15. Define Speed ?
Distance travelled by a particle in a Unit time is called as Speed
Speed = Distance/Time
16. Physical quantities having both magnitude and direction are called as ?
17. What is an Impulse ?
It is the product of the average force and the time interval for which it acts
18. What is the SI unit for Impulse ?
NS(Newton Second)
19. What is the apparent weight of freely falling body ?
20. Ohm’s law describes the relation between _______ and _____ ?
Current and Voltage
21. SI Unit for Resistance is ____ ?
22. Waht is a Circuit ?
It is a closed loop that electrons can travel in.
23. What happens to the temperature  When current flow through a conductor ?
24. The heating element in an electric iron is made of ?
25. Which of the Kirchoff’s rule is also called Kirchoff’s point rule or Kirchoff’s Junction rule ?
Kirchoff’s First law
26. Potential gradient is Change in potential with respect to ________ ?
27. How Potentiometre Sensitiveness can be increased ?
By increasing the e.m.f of the battery in primary circuit
28. A meter bridge is used to find the ______ of a coil ?
29. Screw gauge works on _____ Principle ?
30. Who proposed Heliocentric Theory ?
Nicolaus Copernicus
31. At________ Acceleration due to gravity is highest ?
32. One Radian = ?
57.2958 degree
33. Full form of RADAR ?
Radio detection and Ranging
34. Hertz is the Unit for ______ ?
35. Electrical Current is measured with ?
36. Centripetal Force definition ?
The force acting towards centre is called centripetal force
37. Force found in fixed rotational frame is called as ______ Force ?
Centrifugal force
38. Relationship between time and frequency is ?
T= 1/f
39. Which type of rays are used in RADAR ?
Micro waves
40. Velocity of Sound in vaccum is ______ ?
41. velocity of light in Vaccum is _____ ?
3 x 10  m/s
42. Which rays are emitted in radio activity ?
Gamma  rays
43. In MKS System What is the  unit for Magnetic pole strength ?
44. Full form of RPM ?
Revolution per Minute
45. What is the unit for solid angle ?
Steradian (sr)
46. Define Electrical power ?
Rate of electrical work done  is called as Electrical power
47. What is Magnetic Intensity ?
Magnetic Momentum Present in unit volume of substance
48. Voltmetre is used to measure _______ between two points ?
Potential difference
49. Who proposed wave theory of light ?
Christiaan Huygens
50. What is the principle involved in Hydrogen Bomb ?
Nuclear fission


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