First In The World

1.    The first President of the U.S.A
     – George Washington

2.    The first Prime Minister of Britain
 – Robert Walpole

3.    The first persons to reach Mount Everest  
 – Sherpa Tenzing, Edmund Hillary

4.    The first person to reach North Pole
– Robert Peary

5.    The first person to reach South Pole
– Amundsen

6.    The first religion of the world
– Hinduism

7.    The first country to print book
– China

8.    The first country to issue paper currency

9.    The first country to commence competitive
examination in civil services
  – China

10.           The first Prime Minister of Britain
   – Robert Walpole

11.           The first Governor General of the United Nations
  – Trigveli (Norway)

12.           The first country to prepare a constitution

13.           The first Governor General of Pakistan
– Mohd. Ali Jinnah

14.           The first country to host NAM summit
– Belgrade (Yugoslavia)

15.           The first European to attack India
– Alexander, The Great

16.           The first European to reach China
– Marco Polo

17.           The first person to fly aeroplane
– Wright Brothers

18.           The first person to sail round the world
– Magellan

19.           The first country to send man to the moon
– U.S.A

20.           The first country to launch Artificial satellite in
the space
– Russia

21.           The first country to host the modern Olympics
– Greece

22.           First human in space
- Yuri Gagarin (Russia)

23.           The first city on which the atom bomb was
– Hiroshima (Japan)

24.           The first person to land on the moon Neil
Armstrong followed by
– Edwin E. Aldrin

25.           The first shuttle to go in space
– Columbia


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