Elective II WEB TECHNOLOGIES Syllabus of Andhra University (2017 to 19)

Instruction: 3 Periods + 1 Tut/week                                                                                      Credits:4
Internal: 30 Marks                             University Exam: 70 Marks                   Total: 100 Marks 

1.      Introduction to HTML, Core Elements , Links and Addressing, Images , Text , Colors and Background, Lists, Tables and Layouts , Frames, Forms , Cascading Style Sheets. 

2.      Introduction to Java Scripts, Elements of  Objects in Java Script, Dynamic HTML with Java Script 

3.      Document type definition, XML Syntax,  XML Schemas, Document Object model, Presenting XML, Using XML Processors 

4.      JDBC OBJECTS- JDBC Driver Types, JDBC Packages, Database Connection, Statement Objects, Result Set. 

5.      JDBC and Embedded SQL - Tables, Inserting Data into Tables , Selecting Data from a Table, Meta Data ,Updating Table , Deleting data from Table , Joining Table , Calculating Data, Grouping and Ordering Data , Sub quires ,View. 

6.      Introduction to Servlet, Servlet Life Cycles,   Servlet Basics, Tomcat Web Server, Configuring Apache Tomcat,  Handling Client Request and Response, Handling Cookies, Session Tracking 

7.      Introduction to JSP, Benefits of JSP, Basic Syntax, Invoking Java code with JSP Scripting Elements, JSP Page Directive, Including Files in JSP Pages, 

8.      Introduction to Java Beans, Using JAVA Bean Components in JSP Documents, MVC Architecture. 

Text Books: 

1.      Web Programming, building internet applications, 2nd Ed., Chris Bates, Wiley Dreamtech 
2.      The complete Reference HTML and DHTML, Thomas A. Powey 
3.      The complete Reference J2ME, James Keogh 
4.      Core Servlets and Java Server Pages, Marty Hall Larry Brown, Second Edition   

Reference Books: 

1.      Internet , World Wide Web , How to program, Dietel , Nieto, PHI/PEA 

2.      Web Tehnologies, Godbole, kahate, 2nd Ed., TMH   


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