FORMAL LANGUAGES & AUTOMATA THEORY (FLAT) Syllabus of Andhra University 2017 to 19

 Instruction: 3 Periods + 1 Tut/week                                                                                  Credits:4
Internal: 30 Marks                    University Exam: 70 Marks                             Total: 100 Marks 

1.     Finite Automata and Regular Expressions: Basic Concepts  of Finite State Systems, Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite Automata, Finite Automata with 
      є-moves, Regular Expressions, Mealy and Moore Machines, Two-Way Finite Automate, Applications of FSM. 

2.    Regular sets & Regular Grammars: Basic Definitions of Formal Languages and Grammars, Regular Sets and Regular Grammars, Closure Properties of Regular Sets, Pumping Lemma for Regular Sets, Decision Algorithm for Regular Sets, MyhillNerode Theorem, Minimization of Finite Automata. 

3.    Context Free Grammars and Languages: Context Free Grammars and Languages, Derivation Trees, Simplification  of Context Free Grammars, Normal Forms, Pumping Lemma for CFL, Closure properties of CFL’s, Decision Algorithm for CFL. 

4.    Push down Automata:  Informal Description, Definitions, Push-Down Automata and Context free         Languages, Parsing and Push-Down Automata. 

5.    Turing Machines: The Definition of Turing Machine, Design and Techniques for Construction of Turing Machines, Combining Turing Machines.  

6.    Universal Turing Machines and Undecidability : Universal Turing Machines. The Halting Problem, Variants of Turing Machines, Restricted Turing Machines, 
      Decidable & Undecidable  Problems - Post Correspondence Problem.

7.      Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages: Regular Grammars, Unrestricted Grammars, Context Sensitive languages, Relationship between Classes of Languages.  

Text books: 

1. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computations – J.E.Hopcroft, & J.D.          Ullman,Pearson Education Asia. 

Reference books: 

1. Introduction to languages and theory of computation – John C. Martin (MGH) 

2. Theory of Computation, KLP Mishra and N. Chandra Sekhar, IV th Edition, PHI 

3. Introduction to Theory of Computation – Michael Sipser (Thomson Nrools/Cole)   


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