General awareness of Indian History

1.       The Indus Valley civilization type was found in
a)       Sumer
b)      China
c)       Egypt
d)      All these

2.       The Indus Valley Civilization specialized in
a)       Town planning
b)      Architecture
c)       Craftsmanship
d)      All these

3.       The people of the Indus Valley civilization worshipped
a)       Pashupati
b)      Indra and Varuna
c)       Brahma
d)      Vishnu

4.       Lothal and Kalibangan are associated with
a)       Harappan culture
b)      Egyptian civilization
c)       Babylonian civilization
d)      Chinese civilization

5.       Which is the port town of the Valley civilization ?
a)       Lothal
b)      Kalibangan
c)       Ropar
d)      Mohenjodaro

6.       The script used by the Indus Valley people
a)       Has not yet been deciphered
b)      Was the Vedic language
c)       Was depicted through pictures and diagrams
d)      Was none of these

7.       Indus Valley civilization was spread over
a)       Punjab, Sind, Baluchistan
b)      Punjab, Sind, Rajasthan, Gujarat
c)       alone River Indus
d)      Sind, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, UP, Rajasthan, Gujarat

8.       Which of the following presents the most significant feature of the Indus Valley civilization?
a)       burnt brick buildings
b)      first true arches
c)       buildings of worship
d)      art and architecture

9.       Upanishads are books on
a)       religion
b)      yoga
c)       philosophy
d)      law

10.   the Rigveda contains
a)       rituals to be adopted by people
b)      hymns in honour of the gods
c)       yagnas to be performed
d)      history of the vedic period

11.   the major difference between varna and jati is that
a)       varna was formed after jati
b)      jati was derived from varna
c)       varna are only four but jati are many
d)      they are unrelated

12.   Buddha preached his first sermon at
a)       Lumbini
b)      Sarnath
c)       Sanchi
d)      Gaya

13.   The village community got a lot of power during the reign of the
a)       Cholas
b)      Mughals
c)       British
d)      Palas

14.   Which Indian ruler conquered Java and Sumatra?
a)       Rajaraja Chola 1
b)      Rajendra Chola 1
c)       Samudragupta
d)      Vikramaditya

15.   The Saka era began in the year
a)       58 BC
b)      78 BC
c)       58 AD
d)      78 AD

16.   Megasthenes was the ambassador of
a)       Seleucus
b)      Alexander
c)       Darius
d)      The Greeks

17.   In which language as the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita originally written?
a)       Sanskrit
b)      Apabharamsa
c)       Prakrit
d)      Pali

18.   Mahabalipuram was established by the
a)       Pallavas
b)      Pandyas
c)       Cholas
d)      Chalukyas

19.   The Saka era was started by
a)       Ashoka
b)      Chandragupta II
c)       Kanishka
d)      Harsha

20.   Name the rules of the Kushana dynasty
a)       Pushyamitra
b)      Ugrasena
c)       Vikramaditya
d)      Kadphises 1

21.   Choose the correct pair
a)       Ellora caves              __ Saka
b)      Mahabalipuram         __ Rashtrakutas
c)       Meenakshi temple    __ pallavas
d)      Khajuraho                 __ Chandellas

22.   Who founded four matthas in the four corners of India?
a)       Shankaracharya
b)      Ramanujacharya
c)       Bhaskaracharya
d)      Madhvacharya

23.   The paintings of Ajanta depict stories of the
a)       Ramayana
b)      Mahabharata
c)       Jatakas
d)      Panchatantra

24.   Which of the following Harappan sites are not in India ?
a)       Mohenjodaro and Harappa
b)      Lothal and Kalibangan
c)       Bhanwali and Ropar
d)      Lothal and Ropar

25.   The word Buddha means
a)       A conqueror
b)      A liberator
c)       An enlightened one
d)      A wanderer

Answer :

         1) a               2) d             3) a             4) a             5) a

   6) c               7) b             8) a              9) c           10) b

 11) c              12) b           13) a           14) b           15) d

 16) a             17) a            18) a           19) c            20) d

 21) d             22) a            23) c           24) a            25) c


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