General Science


1)      Myopia is a disease connected with
a)       lungs
b)      brain
c)       ears
d)      eyes
2)      The weight of a body act through the center of
a)       gravity
b)      mass
c)       both (a) and (b)
d)      buoyancy
3)      A wheel -barrow is an example of
a)       class iii liver
b)      pulley system
c)       class i lever
d)      class ii lever
4)      Combustion of a candle is a/an
a)       photochemical reaction
b)      physical change
c)       endothermic reaction
d)      exothermic reaction
5)      The splitting of white light into its components is due to
a)       transmission
b)      dispersion
c)       reflection
d)      refraction
6)      A small drop of oil spreads over water because
a)       oil has a higher viscosity
b)      water has a higher viscosity
c)       oil has a higher surface tension
d)      water has a higher surface tension
7)      An object which absorbs all colours and reflects none appears
a)       blue
b)      black
c)       white
d)      grey
8)      Radiations which is not emitted during radioactivity is
a)       Anode rays
b)      Cathode rays
c)       α -rays
d)      β – rays
9)      Magnetic keepers are used to protect magnets from
a)       self -demagnetization
b)      demagnetization due to heating
c)       earth’s magnetic field
d)      effect of other magnets
10)   The quantity ‘weight’ is measured by
a.       Beam balance
b.       Common balance
c.       Spring balance
d.       Balance wheel
11)   The principle due to which circular patches of light is seen under a tree during day time is similar to that of images formation by a
a.       Concave lens
b.       Pinhole
c.       Photographic camera
d.       Convex lens
12)   A compass needle cannot be used to detect
a.       Magnetic North – South direction
b.       Polarity of a magnet
c.       Strength of a magnet
d.       Direction of magnetic field
13)   In which medium velocity of sound is maximum?
a.       Metals
b.       Air
c.       Water
d.       polymer
14)   Decibel is used to measure the intensity of
a.       Magnetic field
b.       Sound
c.       Light
d.       Heat
15)   Decibel is a term connected with
a.       Air
b.       Water
c.       Sound
d.       Soil
16)   Which type of mirror is used in the head Lights of vehicles?
a.       Plane mirror
b.       Concave mirror
c.       Convex mirror
d.       Parabolic mirror
17)   The height of a geo-stationary satellite from the earth’s surface is approximately
a.       36000 km
b.       42000 km
c.       30000 km
d.       None of the above
18)   The best conductor of electricity among the following is
a.       Copper
b.       Iron
c.       Aluminium
d.       Silver
19)   The angle in which a cricket ball should be hit to travel maximum horizontal distance is
a.       60 degrees with horizontal
b.       45 degrees with horizontal
c.       30 degrees with horizontal
d.       15 degrees with horizontal
20)   The minimum number of geostationary satellites needed for uninterrupted global coverage is
a.       3
b.       4
c.       2
d.       1
21)   Natural rubber is the polymer of
a.       Isoprene
b.       Styrene
c.       Butadiene
d.       Ethylene
22)   In addition to hydrogen, the other abundant element present on sun’s surface is
a.       Helium
b.       Neon
c.       Argon
d.       Oxygen
23)   A nuclear reaction must be balanced in terms of
a.       Mass and Volume
b.       Energy and Weight
c.       Number of electrons
d.       Mass and Energy
24)   For taking the clinical photograph of bones, we use
a.       UV rays
b.       IR rays
c.       X -rays
d.       Cosmic rays
25)   A micron is equal to
a.       0.1mm
b.       0.01mm
c.       0.001mm
d.       0.0001mm


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