General Awareness

1)    Sriperumbudur is the birth place of ____________.
       Sri Ramanujacharya

2)    Who has been called the Napoleon of India?

3)    The savior of the Delhi Sultanate was ______.
       Ghias-ud-din Balban

4)    Who discovered the sea route to India ?

5)    Who was the founder of 'Ghadar Party' ?
       Lala Hardayal

6)    Who passed the Indian Universities Act ?
       Lord Curzon

7)    Name the Indian King who warmly received the Portuguese traveler Vasco-di-Gama
        when he landed at Calicut.

8)    Gandhi wanted to realise 'truth' through _______.
       Ahimsa (Non-Violence)

9)    In which year did Gandhiji undertake the famous Dandi March ?

10)  The sepoy mutiny of 1857 occurred during the Governor Generalship of _______.
        Lord Canning

11)  _______ organized the 'All India Depressed Classes Association'. in colonial india?
       BR Ambedkar

12)  The national anthem was first sung in the year 1911 at the Annual session of the
        Indian National Congress held at __________.

13)  The Easternmost peak of the Himalayas is __________.
        Namcha Barwa

14)  The highest volume of gases in lower atmosphere is comprised of _______.

15)  Clouds float in the atmosphere because of their _______.
       Low density

16)  Meteorology is the science of ____.

17)  Taiga means:
       Coniferous forests

18)  __________ is referred to as 'Young Fold Moutains'.

19)  Jim Corbett National Park is situated in ________.

20)  _____ is not notable industrial city.

21)  The highly populated city in India is _________.

22)  Density of population shows ___.
        man land ratio

23)  ______ rivers flows between Vindhya-Satpura ranges.

24)  In a poultry unit, the factor most influencing the cost is the cost of ______.

25)  The state operates through _________.

26)  Which Article of the Indian Constitution empowers the parliament to regulate right
        of citizenship?
       Article 11

27)  Which of the following would be called a 'Secular, state?
       The state which does not discriminate between religions

28)  The maximum time a person can continue to be the minister of the state government
        without being a member the state legislature....
        six months

29)  the Indian judiciary is headed by
        the supreme court

30)  Which of the following artical of IPC is related to unnatural sex?
        artical 377

31)  Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha had passed the Lokpal Bill with more strong amendments in___.

32)  Socialism is essentially a movement of ______.
       the workers

33)  When was the first Central Legislative Assembly constituted?

34)  Name the two non-permanent houses in the parliamentary set-up of India.
       The Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha

35)  The Mandal Commission report refers to
        the other Backward Classes

36)  How many Fundamental Rights were granted initially?    

37)   Rent is a factor payment paid to_____.

38)  Imperial Bank was constituted in the year

39)  The purpose of devaluation is to ________.
       be little foreign currencies

40)  Gross domestic product is a measure of _______.
        a country's domestic economic activities

41)  An economy which does not have any relation with the rest of the world is known as______.
        closed economy

42)  In which state is the literacy rate of women the highest ?

43)   Which of the following economists is called the Father of Economics?
        Adam Smith

44)   Returns to scale is a ________.
         long-run phenomenon

45)  In India, VAT was implemented on ________.
        1st April, 2005


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